The enchanting Tangled franchise originates from Disney's 2010 animated feature, weaving Rapunzel's tale with creative brilliance, melodies, and magic.
To experience Tangled fully, follow this order: As Per Chronology or By Release Date.
Tangled" (2010), 50th Disney animated film, adapts Rapunzel, a princess with magical hair, venturing from her tower, with enchanting music by Alan Menken.
Tangled: Before Ever After" (2017) bridges the gap between the original film and its sequel, "Tangled Ever After," while also introducing "Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure.
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure," a TV series following the movie, aired from 2017. Set between the film and short, starring original voices.
Tangled Ever After" (2012) follows Rapunzel and Eugene's chaotic wedding day, focusing on Pascal and Maximus retrieving lost wedding rings.
Tangled movies is available to watch on the following streaming services: Disney+, Vudu, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, and Google Play