How were the seven deadly sins first identified?

The origins of the seven deadly sins trace back to Pope Gregory I and Evagrius Ponticus, evolving from eight evil thoughts.

1. Pride

Pride (Superbia): excessive belief in one's own importance, often leading to arrogance and contempt for others.

2. Greed

Greed (Avaritia): excessive desire for material wealth or possessions, often leading to selfishness and acquisitiveness.

3. Wrath

Wrath (Ira): intense anger or fury, often leading to violence or aggression.

4. Envy

Envy (Invidia): a resentful desire for the possessions or qualities of another person.

5. Lust

Lust (Luxuria): excessive or unbridled sexual desire.

6. Gluttony

Gluttony (Gula): excessive or unrestrained consumption of food or drink.

7. Sloth

Sloth (Acedia): a state of spiritual indifference or apathy, often leading to laziness and procrastination.

Are the 7 deadly sins forgivable?

YES, The concept of forgiving the seven deadly sins is rooted in Christianity's belief in God's boundless mercy and reconciliation through repentance.

Where are the 10 commandments in the Bible in order?